Read more about the article Aquinas College bids professor farewell
Friends and colleagues of Sister Matthew Marie Cummings, OP, a professor in the School of Education at Aquinas College, gave her warm send-off to her new post at Providence College in Rhode Island on Saturday, Dec. 10. Sister Matthew Marie shows a balloon sculpture of a Dominican sister made by Aquinas graduate Anthony Lena of Balloons of Pure Awesomeness by Anthony the Balloon Kid, to fellow Dominicans Sister Ignatius and Sister Mary Reginald.

Aquinas College bids professor farewell

Sister Matthew Marie taught at Aquinas for more than 25 years

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Read more about the article Editorial: Eternal rest grant, O Lord, unto Pope Benedict XVI
A rosary and crucifix are seen in the hands of Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Basilica as people pay their respects to the late pope at the Vatican Jan. 2, 2023. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

Editorial: Eternal rest grant, O Lord, unto Pope Benedict XVI

He soared to incredible heights while always striving to see the face of God

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Read more about the article Seminarian installed to ministry of the acolyte
Bishop J. Mark Spalding instituted Diocese of Nashville Seminarian Tylor Starkey to the ministry of the Acolyte during a Mass Wednesday, Jan. 4, in Deacon's Chapel at the Catholic Pastoral Center. Bishop Spalding delivers his homily, often speaking to Starkey about the importance of the ministry he will take on.

Seminarian installed to ministry of the acolyte

‘It’s a great blessing. I wouldn’t have it any other way.’

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