Seattle Catholics celebrate 10th anniversary of St. Kateri’s canonization
‘She was called to be a saint from the day she was born’
‘She was called to be a saint from the day she was born’
‘We hope for the day when abortion is unthinkable’
‘We possess a power which should never be used, but which might be used if we do not reverse our direction’
‘It was a different world, but it was a time, in my memory, that people were really scared’
‘It is an act of love – praying for conversion is the duty of every believer’
'DACA recipients are hard-working, tax-paying, upstanding members of our communities’
‘When a woman is carrying a child, both mother and child are valued’
‘Right now they are in crisis and need so much help’
‘Nuclear weapons are a costly and dangerous liability’
Court will consider affirmative action, voting, immigration, environment, free speech cases