Editorial: Make all things new as we begin to emerge from pandemic
Look to the future in the spirit of the Easter season
Look to the future in the spirit of the Easter season
An usher uses a collection basket during Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Patrick's Pro-Cathedral in Newark, N.J. Giving alms, sharing what we have with those in need, is not just…
News media has always come in for a lot of criticism – sometimes rightly, sometimes not. But that goes with the territory of an institution that seeks to be a…
Catholic schools will once again step into the spotlight from Jan. 31 through Feb. 6 as they celebrate Catholic Schools Week. It is an annual celebration of Catholic schools, their…
They say necessity is the mother of invention. That’s probably never been truer than in 2020.
It has been an oppressive year. The COVID-19 pandemic has crowded into our lives, forcing us to rearrange how we do almost everything
Long months of the vicious COVID-19 pandemic preceded the arrival of this year’s Advent season leading to Christmas.
It is easy to give in to the gloom. But that would betray our Christian faith, our hope in Christ.
In times of intense partisan polarization, Catholics are called to change the tenor of our national debate, continue to help build God’s kingdom
The social encyclical extends a formidable challenge to us all, the challenge to create "a different culture.