Faith Alive, No. 19, Part 1: Motherhood and spirituality
This meme accompanies Part 1 of Faith Alive! No. 19. CNS illustration; photo by Bob Roller "Lord, give me strength." This has been my mantra of late, every morning when…
This meme accompanies Part 1 of Faith Alive! No. 19. CNS illustration; photo by Bob Roller "Lord, give me strength." This has been my mantra of late, every morning when…
The biggest adventure of our marriage began just a few weeks after our sixth anniversary. Fueled by faith, dreams and a photograph, we boarded a plane to Beijing to bring…
El papa Francisco habla durante su audiencia general que ahora se transmite en vivo desde la biblioteca del Palacio Apostólico en el Vaticano el 1 de abril de 2020. Para…
El papa Francisco inciensa una imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe durante una misa celebrando su fiesta en la Basílica de San Pedro en el Vaticano el 12 de diciembre…
Father Gervan Menezes carried the Eucharist in a procession around the Diocese of Nashville to pray for the people suffering from the deadly tornadoes that hit Middle Tennessee early in…