Read more about the article Summer fun means tasty barbecue at St. Patrick, St. Lawrence picnics
St. Patrick Church and School in McEwen held their 169th annual two-day Irish Picnic and Homecoming event to raise money for St. Patrick School July 28-29, at the campus picnic grounds. The event featured 18,000 pounds of barbecue pork slow-cooked over hickory bark coals for 24 hours, as well as 2,800 chicken halves. Wayne Hooper and Travis Deal bring more barbecue pork to the selling booth.

Summer fun means tasty barbecue at St. Patrick, St. Lawrence picnics

More than 20,000 pounds of meat were cooked over both picnics

Continue ReadingSummer fun means tasty barbecue at St. Patrick, St. Lawrence picnics
Read more about the article Father Charles Strobel, founder of Room In The Inn, dies at 80
Mayor Karl Dean, from lef, Gov. Phil Bredesen, Room In The Inn Founding Director Charles Strobel and Jim Fleming, chair of the Room In The Inn Board, help Chris Carr, third from left, cut the ribbon to the new Comprehensive Center at the Room In The Inn on Eighth Avenu South in Nashville. Carr is one of the residents in the apartments in the new Comprehensive Center, which also houses classrooms, a kitchen, a dining area, laundry, message center and other services for the homeless.

Father Charles Strobel, founder of Room In The Inn, dies at 80

‘Father Strobel had a tremendous impact upon the city’

Continue ReadingFather Charles Strobel, founder of Room In The Inn, dies at 80
Read more about the article Serra Clubs of Nashville, Williamson County, host dinner for seminarians
The Serra Clubs of Nashville and Williamson County hosted their annual end-of-summer dinner for the seminarians of the Diocese of Nashville on Monday, July 31, at St. Philip the Apostle Church in Franklin. During the dinner, the Serra Club members were introduced to 25 of the 28 seminarians, including 10 new seminarians, and heard from Father Luke Wilgenbusch, director of Vocations, who spoke about changes coming in the process of forming young men for the priesthood. Seminarian Christian Hamrick shares a joyful moment with Woo Crockett, member of the Serra Club of Williamson County, and Jim Walton, member of the Serra Club of Nashville.

Serra Clubs of Nashville, Williamson County, host dinner for seminarians

The dinner included 25 of the 28 current seminarians

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Read more about the article The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the Church’s four Marian dogmas
An icon titled "Mater Ecclesiae" (Mother of the Church) is seen in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Column in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican May 30, 2023. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the Church’s four Marian dogmas

The Feast of the Assumption, celebrated on Aug. 15, is a Holy Day of Obligation

Continue ReadingThe Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the Church’s four Marian dogmas
Read more about the article Deacon Mario Guzman ordained in his new role as Christ the Servant
Deacon Mario Guzman was ordained to the permanent diaconate during a special Mass celebrated by Bishop J. Mark Spalding on Saturday, Aug. 5, at the Cathedral of the Incarnation. Several priests of the Diocese of Nashville were also present as concelebrants. Deacon Guzman was surrounded by family and friends during the Mass.

Deacon Mario Guzman ordained in his new role as Christ the Servant

‘He’s permitting me to serve Him’

Continue ReadingDeacon Mario Guzman ordained in his new role as Christ the Servant