Christ the King Church and School made quite an impression on Nashville Scene readers, finishing first in four categories in the Scene’s annual Best of Nashville Readers’ Poll.
The parish and school finished on top for Best Private School, Best Pre-school, Best Middle School (Public or Private) and Best Place to Worship, and Christ the King’s pastor, Father Dexter Brewer, was voted Best Religious leader.
Christ the King School also finished second in Best Elementary School (Public or Private), and Stephanie Wyatt, a first grade teacher at the school, finished third in the Best Teacher category.
Other Catholic schools that had a strong finish in the Readers’ Poll include:
• St. John Vianney School in Gallatin: second in Best Private School; third in Best Elementary School (Public or Private), second in Best Pre-school, and third in Best Middle School (Public or Private);
• Father Ryan High School, Best High School (Public or Private).
Ascension Saint Thomas West finished first in the Best Hospital category and Ascension Saint Thomas Midtown finished first in the Best Place to Have a Baby category.
Camp Marymount finished third in the Best Summer Camp category.