Parishioners at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Cookeville recently participated in the annual baby shower held for the Cookeville Pregnancy Center sponsored by the Daughters of Isabella Circle 1414 at the church. Each year, baby items are collected and given to the center to support women who choose life over abortion for their babies. Pictured with some of the items donated are: (front row, L-R) Kara Ladd, Mary Lou Siegfried, Barbara Gomes, and Diane Cohen; (back row) Annette Robinson, Brenda Crannigan, Brenda Corbet, Denise Remkus, Halcyon Koerber, Ann Bruzda, Lori Didrickson, Barb Brzdek, Dale LoStocco, and Beth Hunt. For more information about the Daughters of Isabella, contact Annette Robson at 931-267-1684 or St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 931-526-2541.