Catholic Media Productions’ 2019 Dinner and Auction to support Nashville Catholic Radio focused on the future, while remembering to thank the people responsible for the progress the station has made to date.
“Three years ago at this very event … Nashville Catholic Radio was born,” began Catholic Media Chairman John Bosio. “Along the way we were tested. … (But) here we are today – broadcasting 24/7. We air programs in English during the day, and in Spanish during the evening and night hours. We can be heard on the air in the city of Nashville, and over the internet around the world at www.wbou.org.”
This year’s event, which became a fundraiser for the first time with the addition of the auction, was held Friday, Nov. 15, at the Hilton Hotel in Green Hills.
John Lillie of Holy Family Church in Brentwood was presented a certificate of appreciation for leading the Marketing Committee, and for “spearheading the Parish Ambassador Program.”
Deacon Tom Samoray of St. Stephen Catholic Community was recognized for his long time contributions to the station including his current involvement with one of the station’s most popular programs “We Believe.”
Kari Cote of the Cathedral of the Incarnation was also honored for her work on the Marketing Committee as well as her organizational efforts that helped to make this year’s gala a success.
Deacon Rafael Bougrat of St. Philip Church in Franklin and his wife Ana were recognized for all of the work they do in translating Bishop Spalding’s weekly homilies into Spanish as well as other Spanish language voice-over recordings for Nashville Catholic Radio.
Greg Wathen, also from St. Stephen, was recognized for his 2019 six-part series on Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’.”
Stanley Josten, of Holy Family, was recognized for his outstanding efforts to promote Nashville Catholic Radio on social networking sites.
The night’s top awards went to Mary Jane Rich, who received a Life Time Achievement Award and Bishop J. Mark Spalding, who received the Our Lady of Radio and TV Award.
Rich, of St. Henry Church, retired earlier this year after serving WBOU, the Catholic radio station, for 10 years as the late Deacon Jim Walsh’s Executive Secretary.
Bishop Spalding was honored for being a substantial advocate for Nashville Catholic Radio with his message of evangelizing people through the media and social media. Bishop Spalding has proven his support in action as well as words via his Holy Day Messages and weekly homilies, which are played daily on WBOU.
“As we move forward, our goal is to make Nashville Catholic Radio a tool for evangelization for our diocese,” Bosio said, echoing Bishop Spalding’s call to make use of all media tools at the diocese’s disposal to spread the gospel.
“We want to be the place where people go to for news about the diocese and about the Church, to hear messages from the Bishop, and to listen to live events such as Masses, concerts, games, and conferences,” Bosio explained regarding the vision for WBOU in the coming years.
“Two of our action plans for early 2020 are to one, start streaming Catholic programs in Spanish, 24/7. And two, equip the station so that we can have live broadcasts starting with the Chrism Mass during Holy Week.”
The gala then took steps to begin bringing these aspirations to fruition by raising enough money to purchase a back-up transmitter, thanks in part to the evening’s Master of Ceremonies, radio celebrity, Shawn Parr.
Parr, who has lent his announcing talents to such Dick Clark productions as the American Music Awards, the American Country Music awards, and the Golden Globes, helped to persuade attendees to give more than $6,000 toward the new transmitter.
Guests also had the opportunity to bid on auction items such as gift baskets, wine, art, and a guitar signed by Toby Keith. The proceeds of the auction will support Catholic Media’s operation goals.
“There are three things all of us can do to make it grow,” Bosio said of the radio station WBOU, 100.5 FM. “One, pray for the success of CMP (Catholic Media Productions) and Nashville Catholic Radio. Two, listen to the station and tell a friend to listen. Three, contribute what you can – the need is great.”
To find out more about how you can contribute to Catholic Media Production’s efforts, you can email them at either Info@catholicmediaproductions.org or Info@WBOU.org.