The Padre Pio Prayer Group – Nashville will have relics of the beloved saint available for veneration during the Young Catholic Professionals Nashville’s next Executive Speaker Series Thursday, Nov. 17, in the Fleming Center of the Cathedral of the Incarnation.
The relics will be available beginning at 6:45 p.m. until the speaker begins. Attendees are encouraged to bring sacramental objects such as rosaries, statues, and crucifixes to touch to the relics.
Relics are objects that are associated with the saints or Jesus Christ himself, and there are various classes.
A first-class relic came from the body of a saint, be it a bone, flesh, or blood.
A second-class relic is the entirety or fragment of an object the saint personally owned.
A third-class relic are items that were touched by a saint or were touched by another relic of any class. That is the opportunity that will be afforded to those who attend the exposition on Nov. 17.
The speaker for the evening is Frank Simpson, the former head coach of the wrestling team at Montgomery Bell Academy and the father of Father Mark Simpson. He’ll share his career experience and commitment to faith in the workplace as an educator and coach.
The ongoing speaker series features various executives in the Nashville area sharing their professional and faith journeys with young Catholic professionals in their 20s and 30s, as they challenge them to work in witness for Christ.
For more information about the free event and to RSVP, visit ycpnashville.org/events/executive-speaker-series-5.
For more information about the Padre Pio Prayer Group – Nashville, visit padrepionashville.blog/.