Retrouvaille program can help struggling couples

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COVID-19, which has upset so many aspects of life, has put a new strain on marriages. But it’s a strain that can be eased by the Retrouvaille program for struggling married couples. 

“This pandemic has brought untold stress and strain on so many families today,” said Virginia Schmidt, who with her husband Richard, registers couples for the Retrouvaille weekends in the Diocese of Nashville. “Trying to work from home and trying to virtual school their children at the same time is a challenge for everyone. 

“Relationships are strained to the max, and small problems can feel overwhelming when hunkered down together for so long,” Schmidt said. 

“Retrouvaille can offer a breath of fresh air for a hurting couple and teach them the communication skills they need to nurture their relationship… and forgive the past,” she said. 

Retrouvaille is a program for couples with marital problems who want marriage help, including those considering separation and those already separated or divorced. 

It is a three-phase program that begins with a weekend experience in which couples work to re-establish communication and to gain new insights into themselves as individuals and as a couple. 

After the weekend, the couples attend follow-up sessions that expand on the concepts discussed in the weekend. 

The final phase is a monthly small-group support meeting, called CORE (Continuing Our Retrouvaille Experience). The monthly meetings reinforce the communication tools learned on the weekend. 

The next Retrouvaille weekend is tentatively scheduled for March 5-7. For more information, visit or call Laurel at 615-838-6724. 

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