The second phase of the diocesan Catholic schools social media campaign promoting their brand promise of “Building Kind Hearts, Strong Minds and Confident Leaders,” will kick off on Monday, Feb. 3, focusing on “strong minds” and the academic achievements of Catholic school students.
As part of the #StrongMinds campaign, people from the diocese are encouraged to post on social media examples of Catholic students and alumni of Catholic schools performing well academically or doing things to build strong minds, said Mike Lavigna, director of marketing and enrollment management for the diocesan Schools Office.
Schools in the diocese also will be posting about their students’ accomplishments, Lavigna said.
The schools and individuals who want to participate in the campaign are encouraged to go to the Schools Office Facebook page,, and write a post on the wall describing an example of building strong minds in Catholic schools. People should include a photo of the person involved if possible, Lavigna said.
“Tag us @cathschoolsnash,” Lavigna said. People can end their posts with #StrongMinds.
People can also post a photo and description of an example of strong minds on the Schools Office Instagram account: @cathschoolsnash, Lavigna said. And people can tweet their stories to the Schools Office on Twitter @cathschoolsnash, he added.
In the fall, the campaign focused on kind acts. “We got good participation from the schools” for the fall campaign, Lavigna said. “Everybody participated across the board.”
In the spring, the campaign will conclude by focusing on examples of leaders.
The campaign springs from the diocesan schools’ brand promise. “We did an extensive research project last year of what people found was special about their Catholic schools experience,” Lavigna said. “Those were the three things families came back to, the kind hearts, strong minds and confident leaders.
“The brand promise amplifies people’s existing perceptions about Catholic schools in the diocese,” he added.