The Knights of Columbus Council 4563’s annual Pulled Pork fundraiser at St. Rose of Lima Church in Murfreesboro raised more than $2,500 for the council’s various charities.
The event “has become an annual event that parishioners really look forward to every year,” said Matt Owens, community director for the council.
The smoking of the meat begins two days before the sale “to make sure it has just the right flavor that parishioners have grown to love,” Owens said.
The pulled pork is then sold by the pound. “Rather than setting a price, we have moved to strictly donations for our fundraisers,” Owens said. “This way, any parishioner, no matter their income status, can participate in helping support our charities.”
Proceeds from this year’s Pulled Pork fundraiser will help fund donations to Special Olympics and to St. Rose of Lima School for scholarships.
The council is already planning its next events, the annual Super Bowl Ribs fundraiser and the Lenten fish frys.
“None of these fundraisers would be possible without the outpouring of support from our parish,” Owens said. “It is quite remarkable.”