Read more about the article Pope: Interreligious dialogue is built on respect, sharing 
Pope Francis greets Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Dicastery for Eastern Churches, during an audience with members of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue at the Vatican June 6, 2022. The cardinal, who had just returned from visiting Ukrainian refugees in Romania, presented the pope with artwork. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Pope: Interreligious dialogue is built on respect, sharing 

‘There is always another possible option: that of dialogue’

Continue ReadingPope: Interreligious dialogue is built on respect, sharing 
Read more about the article Pope says he’s still considering possible trip to Ukraine 
Pope Francis greets a boy during an audience with some 160 children in the San Damaso Courtyard at the Vatican June 4, 2022. Most were visually impaired youngsters and their siblings, but they also included a group of children from Ukraine. At the audience the pope said he's still considering traveling to Ukraine but wants to make sure such a trip would not make anything worse. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Pope says he’s still considering possible trip to Ukraine 

‘I must wait for the moment’

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