Announcing new email newsletters

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It’s officially November, which means the Office of Media and Evangelization’s new email newsletters will be here in just a few short weeks. These new email newsletters will replace the current six-day-a-week eRegister emails, which will go away on Friday, Nov. 17. 
The new email newsletters are Happenings (Tuesday/Thursday), Weekly Digest (Saturday), and Inspirations (Sunday). 

The Tuesday and Thursday Happenings newsletters will include a featured story, an events section, and more. There will also be special editions of Happenings for big events and feast days.
Weekly Digest, released on Saturdays, will bring you the week’s most exciting content from the diocese. The most popular blogs and articles, information on upcoming events, highlights from diocese social media accounts, and more will be included.
Sunday’s Inspirations newsletter will help feed your spiritual walk with Christ as you prepare for another week. It features an inspirational photo as well as other edifying content. 

If you currently subscribe to the six-day per week eRegister, you’ll automatically receive the four-day per week Happenings, Weekly Digest, and Inspirations newsletters. At the bottom of each edition, you can edit which newsletters you receive.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or otherwise, contact Erik Ritland, the diocese’s Email Specialist, at

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