Read more about the article Students preparing for Confirmation learn their formation in faith is just beginning
The Diocese of Nashville hosted the SEALED Confirmation preparation retreat for about 250 young people from schools and parishes around the diocese on Saturday, April 10. The retreat featured talks by Bishop J. Mark Spalding, Franchelle Jaeger, Sister Caterina Joy, O.P., music by PJ Anderson and his band, and Mass was celebrated by Father Andrew Bulso. Seraphia Schroeder of St. John Vianney School in Gallatin, and her classmates dance to the music.

Students preparing for Confirmation learn their formation in faith is just beginning

Diocese hosts SEALED retreat for 250 teens preparing for Confirmation

Continue ReadingStudents preparing for Confirmation learn their formation in faith is just beginning
Read more about the article Churches serving community as sites for COVID-19 vaccines
The Metro Health Department administer COVID-19 vaccines at Sagrado Corazon Church in the Catholic Pastoral Center on Wednesday, April 7. The Tennessee Immigration and Refugee Rights Center helped organize the event. Nurse Terrie Johnson gives the vaccination to Rosalinda Castro.

Churches serving community as sites for COVID-19 vaccines

Cathedral, UCat to host second clinic on April 22

Continue ReadingChurches serving community as sites for COVID-19 vaccines
Read more about the article Cathedral moves the tabernacle back to the sanctuary altar
Bishop J. Mark Spalding celebrated Mass at on the Solemnity of the Annunciation at the Cathedral of the Incarnation Nashville, TN on Thursday, 25 March 2021. It was the first Mass at the cathedral after the tabernacle was moved from a side chapel to the main altar.

Cathedral moves the tabernacle back to the sanctuary altar

The move is part of an ongoing restoration of the Cathedral

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Read more about the article Diocesan site Safe Environment coordinators meet
Julie Perrey, vice chancellor and chief mission integration officer and Jason Liuzzi, the dDiocesan safe environment coordinator present a training session for parish safe environment coordinators in Ascension Hall at the Catholic Pastoral Center in Nashville, TN on Thursday, 11 March 2021.

Diocesan site Safe Environment coordinators meet

More meetings with ministry staffers scheduled

Continue ReadingDiocesan site Safe Environment coordinators meet