In early April, Bishop J. Mark Spalding announced that the Diocese of Nashville had officially marked its legacy for the future with the success of the $50 million A Legacy of Faith, Hope, and Love Campaign.
Now, the Office of Stewardship and Development is asking the people of the diocese to decide what they want their legacy to be as they consider making a planned gift.
“We just successfully completed the Legacy Campaign. The campaign was focused on making sure funding is available for the future of the Church, including our schools, our parishes, and our ministries,” said Ashley Linville, director of the Office of Stewardship and Development. “Asking the faithful to consider a planned gift will continue that.”
A planned gift can be an estate gift, proceeds from a sale of a home or land, or a cash gift, and it’s completely up to the donor where the money goes, be it a specific parish, school, ministry, or nonprofit, Linville explained.
“There are many different ways to make a planned gift, but ultimately what we’re asking people to consider is what they want their legacy to be,” Linville said. “Planned gifts are a way for people to make a transformational gift that may not be possible otherwise.”
“Every planned gift makes a difference because it represents the hopes and dreams of generous donors at every level,” added Matt Wilson, planned giving consultant. “Whether you’re giving $1,000, $10,000, or $1 million, truly a planned gift is important for what it represents tangibly, but also symbolically.
“We want people to feel encouraged and empowered,” he said. “We’ve had a successful Legacy Campaign, which included $10 million (approximately 20 percent) in planned gifts that are future pledges for people who want to make a difference through their estate. Now, we invite the community to think about their own legacies and what they would like to support to preserve, protect, and sustain the faith.”
To learn more about planned gifts, visit www.dioceseofnashville.com/planned-giving.
For more information or to start the process of setting up a planned gift, see a financial advisor or contact Linville at ashley.linville@dioceseofnashville.com or 615-645-9768.