On Sunday, May 29, the St. Sharbel Maronite Catholic Mission of Tennessee held a Healing Mass of St. Sharbel at the Catholic Church of the Korean Martyrs, 2319 Lebanon Pike, in Donelson, with dozens in attendance, including several newcomers.
During the Mass, participants prayed for the healing of physical, spiritual and emotional ailments, and anyone who so desired was anointed with the Oil of St. Sharbel.
Since the St. Sharbel Maronite Catholic Mission of Tennessee held its first Mass last December, the community has continued to grow. The community hopes to attract more newcomers as it prepares to being offering monthly celebrations.
The next Mass is at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14, at the Church of the Korean Martyrs and will subsequently celebrate Mass every first Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. beginning in September.
For more information about the St. Sharbel Maronite Catholic Mission of Tennessee, e-mail Nadine Choufani, parish secretary, at stsharbeltn@gmail.com or visit the “St. Sharbel Maronite Mission, Nashville TN” Facebook page.