Unity Hall is another milestone closer to completion as Choate Construction puts the finishing touches on the roof decking of the 20,000-square-foot indoor/outdoor space, which is set to be complete by spring of 2024.
“It’s been good,” said Ryan Bednar, project manager with Choate Construction. “The biggest challenge we’ve had over the summer was just the weather and not being able to work when it was rainy or muddy, but we’ve been able to make up that time and, budget wise, everything is working good.”
With the full roof expected to be on in November, the next steps include pouring a concrete slab, and installing the retractable glass walls, lighting, electrical framing, and other interior components, Bednar explained.
“We’ve had really good crews out here, committed to getting the work done,” he said, noting that on any given day 25-30 workers are on the site with a full crew of 350-400 people overall. “The (Diocese of Nashville) has been super helpful in giving us ample space to work with.”
The new indoor/outdoor space will feature seating for more than 1,000 people, an indoor prep kitchen, cooking areas, courtyards, picnic areas, and more. The space will primarily serve the Sagrado Corazón community with its various activities and events, but also host larger diocesan events like the annual Chrism Mass.
“We’re very happy with the progress,” said MaLinda Oden, director of facilities and technology for the diocese. “Choate is doing a great job.”
“It’s very exciting to me, and I think it’s going to be a very special addition to the Catholic Pastoral Center and the Sagrado community,” added David Glascoe, special projects advisor for the diocese. “I think, visually, it will be something that attracts people to the church, and I think, mainly, it’s an excitement that’s starting to come into focus.
“Everybody is working very well together,” he added. “It’s a good team, and I think it’s going to be something that the diocese and the Sagrado community will be very proud of.”