“More than anything, our community and our world needs Christ,” said Meghan Guilfoil, section director of the Regnum Christi Chapter of Nashville, which is organizing the devotion. “Only priests are able to bring him to us through the sacraments. They are invaluable.”
The 40 Hours Adoration will open with a Mass and procession to expose the Blessed Sacrament at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 10. It will close with a Solemn Mass and procession to repose the Blessed Sacrament at 11 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The prayers during the devotion will be offered in “gratitude for the beautiful priests we do have in the diocese,” Guilfoil said. “In challenging times, it’s important for our priests to have the support of the community to live their vocation well.”
During the 40 Hours, people will be able to write cards and letters of support and appreciation that will be delivered to the diocese’s priests, Guilfoil said.
People from throughout the diocese are invited to participate in the 40 Hours Adoration.
“We will have official guardians in place for each hour,” Guilfoil said. People are also encouraged to sign up online for when they can attend at saintannparish.com/vac.
During the weekend of the 40 Hours Adoration, St. Ann will also host “Advent by Candlelight” 7-9 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11. The event will include a reflection on the Advent journey and adoration in the church, followed by a dessert and Advent wreath blessing in Breen Hall. Confession will also be available.
Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP to RegnumChristiNashville@gmail.com.
The 40 Hours Advent Adoration follows a similar 40 Hours Adoration to pray for priests that St. Ann hosted last spring during Lent.
Members of the Hispanic ministry at St. Ann built an altar for the 40 Hours Adoration to hold the traditional 40 candles, Guilfoil said.
“Walking into the chapel was like walking into a tabernacle,” Guilfoil said. “The sensory experience was very powerful for everyone who came through.”
The Lenten adoration drew people from throughout the diocese, Guilfoil noted. “Last year, hundreds of people came through the chapel,” she said.
Organizers decided to host the 40 Hours Adoration on the weekends of the “pink” Sundays, Gaudete Sunday in Advent and Laetare Sunday in Lent, so-called because of the rose-colored vestments the priest wears on those days. The 40 Hours Adoration on those weekends, Guilfoil said, will be a way “to really live those liturgical seasons well.”
For more information about the 40 Hours Advent Adoration, visit saintannparish.com/vac.