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The Diocese of Nashville is filled with stories of the faithful pursuing its mission of “Living and Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, Welcoming All!”

And it is the award-winning staff of the Tennessee Register that is working hard to track down all those stories to share them with our readers. 

We’ve told the story of how Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville, acting as the hands of Christ, reaches out to help our neighbors in troubled times. We’ve opened the doors of the classrooms of Catholic schools in the diocese to show how future generations of leaders in our parishes are being formed. We’ve been there when the people of the diocese have gathered for important liturgical celebrations, sharing the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith.

We are a conduit for Bishop J. Mark Spalding to talk to his flock and a source of information Catholics can use to learn about the faith. 

The Register serves as the flagship communications tool of the diocese, delivering in-depth articles and excellent photographs from the Vatican to the smallest parishes in our diocese. Its excellence has been recognized nationally. It is one of the most decorated publications in the American Catholic press, and several times has received the General Excellence award from the Catholic Press Association, one of the highest honors for diocesan newspapers. As technology has advanced, changing our society in its wake, the Register has adapted to social media platforms to communicate with the people of Middle Tennessee in new ways.  

Your subscription to the Register, for only $29 a year, gives us the resources to do this important work. 

According to diocesan policy, a minimum of 70 percent of households in each parish must receive the Tennessee Register. If less than 70 percent of families pay for their own subscription, the parish must make up the difference. So, renewing your subscription will not only keep you informed about the Church, local and universal, it will allow you to help lighten the financial load of your parish. 

An envelope to renew your subscription will be included in the Feb. 3 and Feb. 17 issues of the paper. If you lose your renewal envelope, contact your parish or call Nancy Mattson at the Register office at 615-783-0750 to get another. 

You can pay through your parish by dropping your subscription renewal envelope in the collection basket at Mass. If you mail your payment directly to the Register office, be sure to specify the parish where you are registered so that your parish will get credit for your payment. 

Readers can also renew their subscription online at the Register’s website: While you are visiting the website, be sure to sign up for a free subscription of the Register’s online newsletter, the eRegister, to have the latest coverage delivered directly to you Monday through Saturday. 

Please drop your subscription renewal in the mail or collection basket today or fill out the online subscription form so you can stay informed and do your part to support the diocese’s most important communications tool, the Tennessee Register

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