Seminarians Oscar Romero and Augustine Mang were ordained to the transitional diaconate. Nearly 200 high school students took part in six SEARCH retreats. More than 200 catechumens and candidates were initiated into the Catholic Church. College students remained engaged in their faith thanks to the work of University Catholic. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville is now reaching the vulnerable in 38 counties.
These were just a few successes from the last year made possible because of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries. The 2022 appeal is officially under way with a goal of raising $3 million.
The Bishop’s Annual Appeal benefits five key areas: vocations, which receives 25 percent of the money; Catholic Charities, which receives 20 percent of the money; religious education, which receives 24 percent of the money; youth ministries, which receives 10 percent of the money; and general ministries, which receives 21 percent of the money.
“When I became the Bishop of Nashville, there was so much unknown. I did not know who I would be working with, where I would live, or what the Lord had in store for me, or for you, a member of this diocese – but one thing I knew was the Lord called me to this place, at this time for a certain reason,” Bishop J. Mark Spalding wrote in a pamphlet for the Appeal. “It is good that you are here, in Middle Tennessee, and in this diocese. I see you doing great things for this community, and I am so grateful. The Lord has chosen for you to be here now, today, and he has done the same for your brothers and sisters around you.
“While God has richly blessed us, he has also given us opportunity to help others. After the last couple of years of hardship, many in our community have faced immense challenges and setbacks,” he said. “When you give to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries, you support those in need today and provide them the ability to be fully present where their feet are planted. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord is calling you to give and know of my prayers for you and your family.”
On April 27, several mailings will be sent out to parishioners throughout Middle Tennessee encouraging their support for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
“As we continue work on the 2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal, there are many efforts to hit our $3 million goal,” said Jen Mahr, annual appeal coordinator for the diocesan Office of Stewardship and Development. “One of the efforts is a mailing soon coming out that some parishioners will receive from their pastor or Bishop Spalding.”
“Although only some will receive a mailing, all are invited to give and support the ministries,” added Ashley Linville, director of the Office of Steward and Development.
And the support is already coming in with $1,367,078.62 of the $3 million goal already having been raised as of April 20.
“I think it’s pretty unbelievable that we are already 46 percent of the way to goal and we’re not even halfway through the year yet,” Mahr said. “The Catholic community seems to be engaged, and I hope throughout the year they can continue to examine what is important to them and who is important to them and that it will encourage them to give to the appeal.”
People can donate in one of three ways to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries: online at www.dicoeseofnashville.com/appeal where donors can opt to make a one-time gift or set up a monthly gift; texting BISHOP to 615-552-1101; or mailing cash or a check to Office of Stewardship and Development, Catholic Pastoral Center, 2800 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN 37214. Checks should be payable to Diocese of Nashville. Cash donations should include the donor’s name and parish, so the parish receives proper credit for its designated portion for the overall appeal.
For more information, call Mahr at 615-783-0783 or e-mail jennifer.mahr@dioceseofnashville.com.