As 2022 comes to an end, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries is wrapping up for the year. But there’s still time to donate through Saturday, Dec. 31.
“The Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries is a vital part of our diocese as it helps support the daily needs of our ministries each year, and it is an opportunity to help the diocese today,” said Jen Mahr, annual appeal coordinator.
Supporting several ministries including University Catholic, youth ministries and retreats, Catholic Charities, seminarian education, and more, “the appeal helps bring people closer to Jesus through the sacraments … and helps the diocese encounter people where they are right now and bring them closer into their relationship with Jesus.”
As of Monday, Dec. 19, $2,490,831.26 or 83 percent of the $3 million goal has been raised.
Mahr said the diocese is thankful for all those who have already made their pledges for the year, such as Erin Stracener and her family, who are parishioners of St. Matthew Church in Franklin.
“Since the main goal of the Bishop’s Annual is to support ministries, which is the Church on the ground working with those in need, helping to educate and foster the faith lives of parishioners and serving to foster vocations, it is vital that we aid in increasing the resources necessary for this work,” Stracener said. “Anything we as a family can do to support and fund those ministries is a way for us to actively participate in the life of the Church, on a parish level and at a diocesan level. We are grateful that our children are benefitting from and will continue to benefit from the fruits of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.”
Making a donation during the Advent season, Mahr said, falls in line with the recent The Gift of a Child initiative, which Bishop J. Mark Spalding has implemented throughout the parishes of the diocese.
“As Bishop Spalding has emphasized a focus on The Gift of a Child this Advent season, we are so blessed to have so many families and faithful Catholics in this diocese who are impacted by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries every day,” Mahr said. “Your support unifies this diocese, and The Gift of a Child really comes to light when we participate in giving to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.”
“During this season of hope and blessing, we can bless others and share hope with them through the ministries of the diocese,” added Ashley Linville, director of the Office of Stewardship and Development for the Diocese of Nashville. “Please consider making an end of the year gift today to help share the love of Christ with all.”
People can donate to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries in one of three ways:
• Online at www.dioceseofnashville.com/appeal where donors can opt to make a one-time gift or set up a monthly gift.
• Texting BISHOP to 615-552-1101.
• Mailing cash or a check to Office of Stewardship and Development, Catholic Pastoral Center, 2800 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN 37214. Checks should be payable to Diocese of Nashville. Cash donations should include the donor’s name and parish so the parish receives proper credit for its designated portion for the overall appeal. Mailings must be postmarked by Saturday, Dec. 31.
For more information, call Mahr at 615-783-0783 or email jennifer.mahr@dioceseofnashville.com.