Announcing new email newsletters
Happenings, Weekly Digest, and Inspirations email newsletters will debut the week of November 20th.
Happenings, Weekly Digest, and Inspirations email newsletters will debut the week of November 20th.
Overall, four diocesan entities were represented
All proceeds benefit the Knights of Columbus Outreach Programs
Blake Amlicke to participate in USA Swimming’s 2023 National Select Camp this month
’The girls are proud of their final artwork and really shined in supporting each other in their strengths in the creative process’
‘My hope is that our parish, past, present, and future, just come together and bask in the love of Jesus and getting together’
‘I hope to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people around me’
‘I believe I have many gifts and talents to share with the Father Ryan school community’
‘As a daughter of God, there is nothing more we could do to love Him than to love and honor His mother’
‘That figure of Jesus became the base for the whole composition’