The deadline to register for the last of the Nashville Catholic Business Women’s League’s summer speaker series is fast approaching.
The third of the three dinner meetings and “Sisters with a Story to Tell” talks will be 5-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17, in the atrium of the Nashville Women in Film and Television offices at 810 Dominican Drive, across the street from the Motherhouse of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia.
The speaker will be Mother Grace Neenan, OP, prioress general of the Nashville Dominicans, who will speak about her life and how she became the leader of her congregation.
The event is open to all Catholic women, whether they are a member of the League or not, and the cost is $25. The deadline to RSVP is Sunday, Aug. 14. Visit www.ncbwl.org/event-details/august-meeting-dinner-summer-series-3-of-3 to RSVP for the event.
The idea for the Summer Series came from a discussion between Lynne Warne, president of the Nashville Catholic Business Women League, and Sister Mary Andrew, OP, who mentioned to Warne that many of the sisters had professional careers before joining the congregation.
“They all have a unique path to their calling,” said Warne, a parishioner at St. Henry Church. “They’re such interesting women.”
The first speaker at the June meeting was Sister Mary Peter, OP, who was an attorney before becoming a Dominican sister, and Sister Mary Andrew spoke at the July meeting about her call to religious life after working on an oil rig.
The Nashville Catholic Business Women’s League is more than 70 years old and the oldest Catholic business organization in the Diocese of Nashville. The organization is open to all Catholic women in the diocese.
“We provide opportunities for Catholic women to engage in fellowship through stimulating programs and meaningful service,” Warne said. “In the end, we’re all about encouraging Catholic women to live their faith.”
For more information about the organization and how to join, visit www.ncbwl.org.