Schools complete successful first quarter amid coronavirus
Protocols and planning ahead helped schools maintain in-person learning
Protocols and planning ahead helped schools maintain in-person learning
Restaurant-quality meals, produce and dry goods to be distributed to those in need through the end of the year
Goal is to raise $250,000 for ACE endowment; matching grant will double the take
Sister Mary Grace Watson, O.P., believes teachers’ role is to help students be the people God created them to be
Guests address topics from finances to relationships to ‘who we are as Catholics’
The group works to cultivate a space where women feel comfortable to discuss their fears and hopes.
Your gift will ensure that future generations will benefit from the excellence on display every day in our Catholic schools.
Sacred Heart’s first and only deacon ‘had a passion for everything he did’
‘In the classroom, it’s an adventure every day,’ says Randy Lancaster
Event will raise money for tuition assistance at diocesan schools