Bishop J. Mark Spalding, with the assistance of Brian Cooper, chancellor and diocesan chief operating officer, commissioned 19 new employees of the Diocese of Nashville in a special ceremony Friday, Aug. 19, at the Catholic Pastoral Center, following a special morning Mass. All of the new employees were hired between Jan. 1, 2022, and June 30, 2022. They were presented with a special diocesan lapel pin that was first introduced during Bishop Spalding’s installation Mass on Feb. 2, 2018.
Along with the Commissioning Mass and Ceremony, Bishop Spalding also spoke to the new employees about Servant Leadership, Cooper spoke with them about Team Catholic, and Father Andy Bulso, pastor of St. Edward Church, spoke to them about Catholic Social Teaching and more.
The event was the first of its kind and is intended to be an annual event for the diocese.
Gallery photos by Andy Telli and Katie Peterson