By Dec. 31, 2021, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries for the Diocese of Nashville officially reached its $3 million goal, raising $3,000,007.46, with $2.81 million in cash received as of Jan. 31, 2022.
“The remainder of it is in pledge commitments that we’re currently collecting,” said Jen Mahr, annual appeal coordinator for the diocesan Office of Stewardship and Development.
“I’m really grateful for a good end to the year and for everyone’s openness to participate in free-will giving. This support helps to further … the diocesan ministries and ensures they can all be the best they’re meant to be,” Mahr said. “I’ve been very humbled since I started here back in June by the generosity of donors.”
Now, as a new year begins, the appeal is calling on the people to help raise another $3 million.
“We had a very strong finish to 2021, and we’re so grateful for all those that supported our ministries,” said Ashley Linville, diocesan director of the Office of Stewardship and Development. “The need for our ministries is continuous and so, while we are overjoyed at the success of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal in 2021, we realize that 2022 holds many great opportunities for our ministries to continue to thrive.”
The bishop’s annual appeal benefits five key areas: vocations, which receives 25 percent of the money; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville, which receives 20 percent of the money; religious education, which receives 24 percent of the money; youth ministries, which receives 10 percent of the money; and general ministries, which receives 21 percent of the money.
“While God has richly blessed us, he has also given us an opportunity to help others. After the last couple years of hardship, many in our community have faced immense challenges and setbacks,” said Bishop J. Mark Spalding in a quote featured on the official Bishop’s Annual Appeal website. “When you give to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries, you support those in need today and provide them the ability to be fully present where their feet are planted. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord is calling you to give and know of my prayers for you and your family.”
People can donate in one of three ways to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries: online at www.dicoeseofnashville.com/appeal where donors can opt to make a one-time gift or set up a monthly gift; texting BISHOP to 615-552-1101; or mailing cash or a check to Office of Stewardship and Development, Catholic Pastoral Center, 2800 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN 37214. Checks should be payable to Diocese of Nashville. Cash donations should include the donor’s name and parish so the parish receives proper credit for its designated portion for the overall campaign.
For more information, call Mahr at 615-783-0783 or e-mail jennifer.mahr@dioceseofnashville.com.